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  • Starry Stonewort Summit

Greater Lake Sylvia Association

Working to maintain & improve your Lake Sylvia!

Starry Stonewort Summit

  • April 22, 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • River's Edge Convention Center 10 Fourth Avenue South St. Cloud, MN 56301

Co-sponsored by the Greater Lake Sylvia and Koronis Lake Associations

Come hear the latest from experts on what this new Minnesota aquatic invader can mean to our lakes AND the latest science to control its impact.

Public is Warmly Welcome No Admittance Charge Plenty of Free Parking

Where: River's Edge Convention Center
10 Fourth Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301

Featuring key-note Dr. John Rodgers, Clemson University

Dr. Rodgers has a Ph.D. in Biology/Aquatic Toxicology. He is a recognized thought leader in the emerging aquatic invasive starry stonewort.

Mark your calendars today and plan to attend the summit. Lake shore owners, county/city/township administrators, state legislators, watershed districts, and anyone who enjoys Minnesota lakes will find the session valuable to:

* Understand this new aquatic invader and what it means to our lakes;

* Define activities to control the spread;

* Learn about the latest science for controlling starry stonewort in Minnesota.

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