AIS are non-native plants, animals, and pathogens that live primarily in water, thrive in a new environment, cause economic loss, environmental damage, and harm to human health. Below are some examples of AIS that may impact Lake Sylvia. Click the pictures to find out more!
Zebra Mussels |
Zebra mussels are small animals with a striped, D-shaped shell composed of two hinged valves joined by a ligament. The shells are typically one-quarter inch to one and one-half inches long, depending on age, with alternating yellow and brownish colored stripes. Adults are typically fingernail-sized. Zebra mussels attach to hard surfaces underwater. Click the picture to find out more! |
Starry Stonewort
Starry stonewort is a bushy, bright green macro-algae. It produces a characteristic star-shaped bulbil. Click the picture to find out more!
If you think you have found SS, please contact the following individuals for a positive ID in the order listed. If the first person does not pick up call the next in line. They will visit the site in question within 24 hrs. and report back to the AIS Committee.
Eurasian Watermilfoil |
Eurasian Watermilfoil is a rooted, submerged aquatic plant. The leaves appear green while the stems are white to reddish. Click the picture to find out more! CurlyLeaf Pondweed Treatment and Monitoring - Contact Kent Davidson (320) 274-6448 |
Curly-leaf pondweed is a rooted, submersed aquatic plant. Its coloration varies from olive-green to reddish-brown. Click the picture to find out more! |
Reminder: It Takes Just One.....
GLSA water quality teams have worked for many years to maintain the quality of the lake that draws people from all over central Minnesota to the Annandale area. Each year Lake Sylvia residents contribute tens of thousands of dollars to maintain the beauty and clarity of the lake. Many water related issues such as zebra mussels have no cure or any way to manage the issue. They simply degrade the lake over time. The main point of entry of an invasive specie that will degrade the lake everyone loves to use is a boat landing. Lake Sylvia pays to have inspectors at the DNR public landing seven days a week, 12 hours a day to inspect the boats that come to enjoy Lake Sylvia. The inspectors are not there to “catch” a boater doing something wrong, they are there to educate the public while protecting the lake. People that look for ways to launch their boats without inspection using a private landing are the greatest threat to the lake. It just takes one boat to undo years of work, tens of thousands of dollars in control costs, and hundreds and hundreds of volunteer hours to introduce a new unmanageable issue such as spiny water fleas or any of several other issues to the lake. Don’t Be The One that undoes years of effort that keep Lake Sylvia clean, clear, and desirable. Have your boat inspected free of charge by a trained inspector at the public landing.
Background: The Watercraft Inspection Program was created in 1992, in response to legislation proposed by the DNR, Minnesota Lakes Associations, and angling groups.
Goal: To prevent the spread of invasive species within Minnesota through boater education, watercraft inspections and watercraft decontaminations at public water accesses.
In 2011, legislation aimed at strengthening Minnesota's ability to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species was signed into law.
Result: Inspectors can visually and tactilely inspect water-related equipment including the removal, drainage, decontamination or treatment of water-related equipment to prevent the transportation of aquatic invasive species. Inspectors can prohibit the launching or operation of water-related equipment if a person refuses to allow an inspection or doesn't remove water or aquatic invasive species. Inspectors can require a watercraft to be decontaminated prior to launching into Minnesota waters.
What's Happening to Minnesota Lakes and Why?
Check out this informative video on what is happening with Minnesota Lakes and what is causing it!
The Best Plants to Protect Your Shore Click here to read the case study from MN Lakes and Rivers Advocates |
Using a high pressure washer would be the most easy way to remove zebra mussels. A high pressure washer might be able to be rented at Kaz Hardware or the rental center in Buffalo or Monticello. In many cases your neighbor may have one and is willing to share it.
The Wright County Commissioners unanimously approved an ordinance to require inspections of all water-related equipment entering East and West Lake Sylvia, Lake John and Pleasant Lake. The video shows the support we are receiving and the interest across the State in this effort. Seeking to stop starry stonewort - by Juliana Thill in Dockside magazine. (shared with permission). Changing the Mindset on AIS - by Nick Phelps, Jeff Forester in Dockside magazine. (shared with permission). Who Represents Me? and Legislative DistrictsWho Represents Me? - Use the district finder to retrieve a list of your representatives with contact information. |